
Account information / settings

Everything you need to know about updating, upgrading, billing, and making the most of your ajmanproperties Agent Account.

  • Account information / settings

    Your username will be the email address your Ajmanproperties account was created with.

    If you’re unsure of your username, try registering for a Ajmanproperties account with your professional email address. If your email address is already registered, you’ll see the message ‘This email address has been taken’. Then sign in.

    If not, register your email address as your username to get started on Ajmanproperties.ae 

    If you have forgotten your password hit the ‘Forgot Password?’ link to be sent password reset instructions for your account.

    If you have any further queries about your username or account settings get in touch on [email protected]

    To update your password:

    1. Sign in to your Ajmanproperties agent account.
    2. Click on the top-right icon.
    3. Click on ‘Settings’.
    4. Scroll to the middle of the page, where you will see the option to update your password.
    5. Type in your old password to verify it’s you wanting to make this change.
    6. Select a new password.
    7. Click ‘Update Settings’ at the bottom of the page to ensure all changes are saved.

    If you need to reset your password and can’t log in to your account:

    1. Go to ajmanproperties.ae and click ‘Sign In’ in the top-right corner.
    2. At the bottom of the popup, where it says ‘already a member click ‘Sign In’.
    3. Near the bottom of the page, click ‘Forgot Password?’.
    4. Enter your email in the field, and a new password link will be sent to you.

    We’re so sorry to hear that you would like to remove your agent account. Are you having difficulties using Ajmanproperties? Is there anything we can do to help first?

    Please get in touch with our customer service team, and we’ll be able to help.

    You can contact us by filling out this form or at [email protected]. We’ll get in touch with you within 48 hours during business hours.

    We respect your privacy at Ajmanproperties.ae and you can be assured, that we will never sell your data.

    Please view our privacy policy to understand how we use your data.

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