A fantastic and exceptional warehouse in the modern district of region 3,500 sqft/325 sqm, in Al Jurf, is accessible for lease for putting away your merchandise, The warehouse can be used for both business and modern products, 35KV of power is also provided with three periods of power, there is also a storage room in the distribution center for putting away extraordinary things, the area is 3,500 Sq. Ft with a mezzanine, there is a latrine with critical hardware, and there is also a closed kitchen to cook something quick, in short, this distribution center is the one you are looking for. as the distribution center has a huge scope of limit, the lease of the stockroom is additionally debatable while the overall lease is 76,000 AED every year, which is an entirely reasonable cost, there are four spaces for workplaces which you can involve then in various viewpoints as per your business needs.